Κυριακή 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

MY Old school nintendo ( DHMOTIKO)

Vromiko, skotino, kai arwsto!!! just hate it . Apo pou na xekinisw? As kanoume enan sexistiko diaxorismo.As xekinisw prwta apo ta agoria. Kamena, xoris endixi veltiosis kath'olh thn diarkia twn 6 xronwn tou dimotikou, pada na paizoun me kartes yu-gi-oh ,kai pokemon !
(kala ton teleuteo xrono mporw na pw oti  paratirisa mia alagh :arxisan na kanoun asteia me sexualika iponoumena kai gelousan mona tous olo to dialima, edaxh giati oxi )
Mia alh tous asxolia htan na paizoun sinexos podosfairo ta dialimata ,ME KAPAKI APO BOUKALI!!!
okay as mhn ta rixnoume ola stous egefalika katestramenous mathites eixame kai xalia kathigitiliki (apagorevotan to podosfero ta dialimata so.... ta paidia epaizan krifa me kapakia)
ala auto einai kati pou tha tekmioriwsw sto telos!
Sunexos ilithies kodres me ta koritsia 
i apla ilithies kodres metaxi tous (to xilo pou epaizan ta agoria sto dimotiko
pada mou xarize authones stigmes geliou kai xaras ,
haha mwre ta sporia
kokkinizan apo to zori tous na katsoun ena bouketo )
Moda ta mixanika molivia gia ta agoria...opws exoun ta likiopeda ta mixanakia kai ta amaxia
sto dimotiko gia na eisai cool apla pare ena mixaniko molivi  me mites 0.5 apo autes pou exoun enan 
pigouino panw? enan kikno ? kati tetio! 
ahahah akoma thimamai atakes " Ta koritsia einai xaza den xeroun apo mixanika molivia"
Ala dax san parea pada ta agoria ta ektimousa pio polu apo ta koritsia
einai 2-3 malakies pou kanane pada (pera apo thn elipsh sevasmou pou exoun gia kathe 
atomo pou tous apefthinei ton logo),opote den exw pola pragmata na kraxw

Pame sta koritsia 

Mikra ,apesia gemato zilia kai kakia , plasmatakia voutigmena se ena pseftiko siropi glikititas 
opou pada sou xamogelane kai mesa sto gemato glitter mialo tous tha skeutode skeutode " pws tha afanisw apo auton ton kosmo  pou mou anikei thn simathitria mou pou dinete unisex " (nai egw imoun auth pou dinotan unisex) .

oso ipsos sas lipei tosh kakia sas perisevei :@
i mises thn idate vougiouklaki na oume
kai kathe dialima vgenate ekso kai mas ta prizate
me skines apo to " karotseri " apo to " to agori mou eina mourlia einai trela riko riko rikoko"
"niaou vre gatoula"  "i to alo me ta nautakia" " kai to alo me ton pipi " (Opou h vougiouklaki mas parousiazei transexual sexualikes protimiseis hmm)(profanos kai den thimamai titlous
kai oute exw thn orexi na tous googlarw gia auto epinoisa merikous.(Ostoso axizei na simiwsw pws kathe 
fora pou lamvana meros se tetiou idous theatrika paixnidia pou kaname ta dialimata 
me evazan na kanw i ton prigipa h tin kakia :@ KARIOLES)
Kathe fora ths apokries oles dinosastan prigipises 
diladi borw na pw oti eixe katadisei emetiko...(otan egw dinomoun indiana kai me apokalousate tzigana ,ilithies EXW ONOMA KAI ME LENE POKAHONDAS GAMW TO SPITI SOU).

Oxi edaxi den  lew...argotera sthn 5h, kai 6h dimotikou kanate  thn epanastash sas ,
tis apokries dithikate sexy astinomikines , cowgirls, magises kai ta lipa...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Transformation : from a princess to a common slut
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Episis pera apo ta mini theatrika pou diorganonan oi psonares gia na tis koitame...
otan den htan arketa ikanopiimenes apo thn prosoxh pou phran mesa sthn hmera evazan ta klamata
gia opiondipote logo etsi oste na strafoun oloi panw apo to kefali ths X psonaras kai na thn parigoroun ,
na tis dinoun tzaba lacta kai na  tis kanoun koplimeda gia to poso wraia einai.
Oi logoi pou tha borouse h X psonara na valei ta klamata einai oi eksis : 
  • h mama den eftiakse zele fraoula xthes eftiaxe zele banana
  • h elenh phre ton protagonistiko rolo pou exw  PADA sto mini theatriko kai egw pira deftero rolo thn misw!!!
  • exasa to album me ta autokolita kai twra i Zaxarenia exei pio pola apo emena
Nai to vrhkes swste paidagwge!
To paidi tha to voulwsei kai tha stamathsei na kanei 
san isteriko an to peis oti :
  •  H mama to agapaei kai oti akoma kai an doulevei olh mera san to skili gia na min tou lipsei tou boulikou tipota,tha tou kanei alo zele me geush fraoula etsi epidi to splaxno ths einai mia stala kakomathimeno
  • Thn epomenh fora tha epemveis esu ( @paidagwgos ) kai tha frodiseis na min parei kaneis thn thesh tou axiolatreftou malakismenou (etsi epidi eipame einai mono mia stala kakomathimeno)
  • Tha pareis 10 autokolita apo ola ta koritsia ths taksis epidi to lew egw... xestikame an ta ala koritsia stenaxorithoun... tha xanaftiaxeis to album sou kai tha exeis pio pola apo oles :D (bravo swste paidagoge)
  • kane ton karagiozh mexri na gelasei kai pes ths poso omorfh einai kai poso sthn kardia ths tin exeis

Agenestata emvria!  sas exoun mathei oti o diaforetikos einai kakos opote ton soutarete
pada thimamai ta dimotikakia  anexartita apo to filo tous den eixan mathei na sevode thn emfanish tou alou, kai ton xtipousan aneleita ekei akoma kai gia thn dikh tous plaka... Merikoi den eixan kan onoma...htan o " xodros" " o moustakalis " o gialakias " " to siderofraxto" (gia ta siderakia) 
"o kodos - i kodh " " to agorokoritso "
" o gay " (opios eixe lepth fonh)
Kathos kai oi mimiseis pou ekanan gia na koroidepsoun ola ta parapanw atoma pou  anefera , kai akoma xirotera atoma me idikes anages opws sindromos down
anapiries , ktlp.
nai akoma kai twra pisteuw oti an sinadousa kapion-kapia apo tous prwin simathites mou xalara
tha thn moutzouna
(ta pio apaisia mou xronia ta perasa ekei kai sto gumnasio)

Daskaloi kai daskales

Aporw an odws I FIMH : "Oloi oi daskaloi-kathigites pernane apo 
psixologika test" alithevei...
Nai file eisai dhmosios ipalilos, den se plironei o kathe goneas xehorista gia to skasmeno tou,
ala ofileis na kaneis swsth diapedagogish...
Exeis na kaneis me anthrwpines psixes vlito... oxi me maroulia kai laxanakia vrikselwn..
Ta pio aneksitila tou xronia mazi sou tha ta faei... frodise na figei me  arxidia kai oxi xoris i esto ipotithemena arxidia.!
Esu kuria Maria molis kataferes na valeis tin pio kodh fousta pou eixe valei ali daskala  se auto to sxolio 
kai meta milame gia ta kaka protipa twn paidiwn otan esu eisai ena apo ta xirotera , kai vevea paraxenevomaste otan ta koritsia metatrepode se efives tsoules. E  nai eprepe na anatrexoume sta paidika tous xronia kai na thimithoume thn kiria Anna 

thn kiria Sofia 
kai thn kiria Ksenia

Epevale sovarous kanones sto sxolio oxi ilithious kanones 
etsi oste na kokorevese se ala  dimotika oti exeis pitharximeno sxolio, (nai etimothanate dieuthidi pou den exeis parei akoma sidaxi se esena milaw ) , skepsou kati pou tha kaliterepsei thn diapedagwgish twn paidiwn , tous tropous tous , kai thn asfalia tous, auta xrisimevoun .... giati toulaxiston sto diko mou sxoleio oi kanones htan " apagorevode oi xlapatses kai h adalagh autokolitwn metaxi koritsiwn...kai oxi ...gia osous anarotioude den kanw plaka ..AUTOI HTAN I VASIKOI KANONES....

epita...to prwi trwte toulaxiston ena 20lepto mexri na akoustei i apoliti isixia gia na proseuxithite...
kai me tin doudouka xipnate kai ton ipolipo kosmo pou isws den xipnaei thn idia wra me esas
kai ta kakomathimena sas...
thimamai epoxes exetasewn proths gimnasiou opou evelpistousa ta prwina tha vgalw  sto krevati mou na me xipnaei auto : 

O ENAS PISW APO TON ALO (to leei gia kamia dekapedaria fores mexri na dei oti oloi einai me mathimatikh akrivia pisw apo ton alo)
(^araxe psile dimotiko exeis oxi stratopedo^)
(kamia fora akougete kai ena SKASTE giati eipame panw apo ola epikratei swsth diapedagwgish)
kai meta apo 150 wres pou tha epivaleis sta 6xrona na akousoun esena na proseuxese
tha tous peis na pane epitelous sta stratopeda ekteleshs tous
oops sugnwmh sta tmimata tous!

AXRISTOI OLOI SAS.san ta moutra sas mas kanate :D

Τρίτη 6 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

Vrikolakes ths elladas

Agapitoi gothades nai eseis pou diavazete auth edw thn anartish
 lupamai ilikrina pou tha sas xalasw to skotino onoiro pou plimirize ths kardies sas emmmm ME ALA SKOTINA ONOIRA…

Ala den uparxoun vrikolakes….
Den uparxoun…Oute o kouklos apo thn tainia pou spammarei aneleita to super katerina se ola ta efiva koritsakia pou  me to zori ta afinoun oi goneis tous na valoun ena lip gloss sto xrwma tou nerou…telospadwn polilogw mou fenete…
Autos o kouklos  nai den uparxei kai den tha iparksei pote
1)      Giati (xonepse to!!!) den uparxoun vampire
Kai efoson den tha vrethei kanenas Edward pataton na se kanei esena vampire

Vale osous fakous thes
vale oso  sova  se xroma blanco thes
vale osa pseutika dontakia thes..
den kanoun ta rasa ton papa ,o papas kanei ta rasa end of story!!

AKOMA KAI AN DINESE SAN NA VGIKES APO MESEONA (apokalodas to stil sou viktoriano)emena mou thimizeis tis stoles prigipisas pou forousa sto dimotiko tis apokries(prigipisa–magisa)den xerw emena auto to veloute auto mou thimizei … o xartopolemos lipi kai to ska sou sou!

 nomizw pws nai, oi diafores einai elaxistes !

A kai me tis fotografies  sou sto facebook
Tha prepei na niwtheis kai polu vampire otan tis travas  

ala to asteio einai oti se emas dixneis kapws etsi

Episis agapite gotha /agapith gothou…auto pou esi ipostirizeis me toso pathos den einai tipota paramono I diadikomodish tou vampirismou.

Simfwna me artrha pou exw diavasei stis palies epoxes ipirxe mia asthenia opou o anthrwpos eixe ontos evesthith  epidermida sthn ekthesi tou iliou,kai gia kapious logous anagazoudosan na pinoun mia mikrh posotita aimatos apo zwa(ta gnwsta iatrosofia tis epoxhs)…(sthn poria akoustike kiolas kati to opio den pistevw ala eprepe oi gothades na valoun mia dikh tous pinelia sthn istoria oti pinoun kai anthrwpino aima an xriastei).
Vevea autes oi piges den xerw kata poso einai sigouro oti isxioun ala sigoura mou akougete pio pistiko apo to na eisai ena vampire pou ton elefthero xrono perpataei sto tavani kai kanei kavgadakia me likanthropous.Nai  kai an odos itan toso isxira  nomizw pws tha mas ixan gamisei ta pada ola kai den tha krivodousan san dila plasmatakia mias kai ine  immortals.

Kai mhn akousw malakies gia Komh Dracula kai Elizabeth Bathory  oi kai kala gnostoi ematodipasmenoi vrikolakes . Htan apla 2 atoma pou perasan mia diskoli efivia. O enas ekove apla kefalia kai ta paloukwne exw apo to spitaki tou gia diakosmish.Kai h alh ston eleuthero ths xrono meta ton thanato tou  adra ths eperne meros se teletes mauris magias..AKOUSATE POUTHENA GIA AIMA ? hmmm how about no ?Apla oi spooky tales tou super katerina eprepe kapws na alaxei ta gegonota gia na fanoun pio tromaxtika  gia na poulisei..ostoso eginan toso tromaxtika pou apo oso thimamai sto dimotiko ekei pou ta evgaze se kathe teuxos sto gimnasio ta katargisane

Παρασκευή 11 Νοεμβρίου 2011

eat me while i am hot

Kai ekei pou les oti megalwneis kai oti siga siga
matheneis mesa apo tis anapodies ths zwhs .

Sto telos vlepeis oti i idia routina tha se vriskei xana kai xana

toulaxiston  to kalo einai pws pleon o,ti kai na kanw
oso kai na kriftw
oso kai na thelw na to apofigw
den tha stamatsoun pote ta mikra kakovoula gremlin na mou masoulane
tous astragalous me mania mexri na paroun auto pou theloun
na se kanoun na ipakouseis...i na ekdikithoun

tha mou peite oti  h stash mou kai h optikh mou gwnia
dioti den ginete na eimai egw to thima opou ta
 demonisma gremllins kanoun epithesh xoris na dixnoun  
Auto pou thelw na tonisw einai oti pera apo ta lathi pou exw kanei
menw pragmatika ekplikth apo thn anagh kai thn dipsa
twn gremlin na mou girisoun ta lathi mou eis triploun.
Pws ginete mia efivh kopelitsa na exei tosh anagh na vlapsei ton alo?
(kai oxi me kraximo kai asovares vlakioules mhlaw gia ta gremlin
pou perpatoun stis mites twn podiwn tous gia na min ta  akouseis
tha entopisoun thn pio megalh sou pligh kai  tha sou rixoun sta krifa
mia akoma apotomh dinati dagonia sto idio simio gia na poneseis
akoma pio polu)
Adunatw na pistepsw pos ena toso mikro plasmataki kouvalaei tosh kakia
mesa tou.

p.s.Gremlin pou molis geftikes  ton astragalo mou mexri to kokalo
ofilw na se enimerwsw , oti oxi den tha parw ekdikish,den tha se
psaxq pote ksana sthn zwh mou gia na sou girisw piso to kako
pou mou ekanes.Ala na,... tixenei na exw : gonoroia
xlamidia,ipatitida a,b,c,d,e,g....
kalh sou orexh agapito gremlin
karma is a bitch

Σάββατο 10 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011

Just words.

Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see.

Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun

 Don't let me down.

Nobody ever loved me like she do me,
Ooh she do me, yeah she does.
And if somebody ever really loved me,
Ooh she'd love me, yeah she does.

There's nothing you can do that can't be done.
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game
It's easy.
There's nothing you can make that can't be made.
No one you can save that can't be saved.

You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world 

Chiquitita, tell me what’s wrong
You’re enchained by your own sorrow
In your eyes there is no hope for tomorrow
How I hate to see you like this
There is no way you can deny it
I can see that you’re oh so sad, so quiet
You were always sure of yourself
Now I see you’ve broken a feather
I hope we can patch it up together

Chiquitita, you and I know
How the heartaches come and they go and the scars they’re leaving
You’ll be dancing once again and the pain will end
You will have no time for grieving

Chiquitita, you and I cry
But the sun is still in the sky and shining above you

The winner takes it all
The loser standing small
Beside the victory
That’s her destiny

I was in your arms
Thinking I belonged there
I figured it made sense
Building me a fence
Building me a home
Thinking I’d be strong there
But I was a fool
Playing by the rules

Bring my gun and a handful of silver,
By the sea we will gather for the fight,
It's been so many years, so many tears,
We have lost once before,
Now we'll settle the score,
When our cannons will roar - "Revolution!"

Ekthesh tetarths -pempths dhmotikou.
THEMA EKTHESHS : Episkeutikate mia paralia to fthinopwro sthn opoia prin duo mhnes eixate perasei tis kalokairines sas diakopes.Poia sunaisthimata sas dhmiourgithikan apo tis duo  diaforetikes opseis ths thalassas?

Apandhsh :

H alitheia einai oti kai oi thalasses allazoun opsh , ala autes mono ton xeimwna kai to kalokairi.H thalassa to kalokairi einai gemath apo touristes pou kanoun mpanio sto mplavi forema ths, pou merikes fores to lerwnoun , alla h thalassa sigxwrei.Thumwnei otan thn exoun thn exoun lerwsei kai den thn katharizoune.Tote h thalassa tha xtupietai mexri na fugoun ta skoupidia apo panw ths.
 To xeimwna pia ta nera ths einai se galhnh , hrema. Mh vlepete pou kanei fourtounes kai trikumies, einai to xespasma ths luphs ths giati ths lupoume.To vradu otan klaiei to klama ths einai toso gluko pou polles fores mas nanourizei, kai ksevrazei akoma apo to kalokairi ta skoupidia pou tis afisame kai mas thimate.

hahah kai twra paratirw oti se pola themata eixa dikio opws:
"H alitheia einai oti kai oi thalasses allazoun opsh , ala autes mono ton xeimwna kai to kalokairi" 
nai h thalassa alazei opsh mono to kalokairi kai ton xeimwna...enw me ton anthrwpo pote den ksereis ;)

"einai gemath apo touristes pou kanoun mpanio sto mplavi forema ths, pou merikes fores to lerwnoun , alla h thalassa sigxwrei"
den einai san ton anthrwpo na krathsei kakia...ta anthrwpina sinaisthimata einai ta pio fthina.

"Tote h thalassa tha xtupietai mexri na fugoun ta skoupidia apo panw ths." den xtipaei ...xtipietai

Δευτέρα 22 Αυγούστου 2011

by A.L.

Religion is the most important thing in a person’s life. If electric trains are the most pervasive thing in one’s life, that is his religion. Anything can be a religion if it means a lot. If your present religion isn’t the most important thing in your life, then skip it. Find whatever impels you most and make that your religion.
Religions are easy to invent. Most traditional religions have little or nothing to do with reality, are dependent on obfuscation, interpretation, guilt, and unreasoning faith—some more than others. Since Satanism is essentially a religion of the self, it holds that the individual and his personal needs comes first. If that means playing with trains or spike-heeled shoes or singing in the bathtub, those are its sacraments and devotions. Taking inventory of old comic books is counting beads on a rosary, each book being a station of the cross.
Before I codified Satanism, thus enabling me to integrate everything of a personal meaning into a suitable forum, I first considered the religion of Dogism. The belief system made sense, but was too limiting. Dogism holds that if you can’t eat it, and you can’t fuck it; piss on it. Much as I respect dogs and their gods, I could relate more to Catism, the principle religion of cats. The Five Commandments of Catism are:

(1) Don’t run, if you can walk.
(2) Don’t walk, if you can stand.
(3) Don’t stand, if you can sit.
(4) Don’t sit, if you can lie down, and
(5) Don’t stay awake, if you can take a nap.
Catism counsels: “He who sleeps the day away / lives to sleep another day,” or, “Respect the friend who brings your food, for he has been your choice / Or go and catch it for yourself, and have a louder voice,” and other such homilies.
Freud’s “pleasure principle” should be known to be the highest motivator for any religion. The significance of any fetish is a yardstick for its priority. When a fetish transcends all else, including survival needs, religious fanaticism is the result. When the audio equipment takes priority over the music, the way the music sounds is more important than the sound of the music. The act of falling in love can be more important than one’s choice of a mate. If the size of a screen is more important than what’s on it and the latest hardware and software eclipses the quality of the product entered—fetishism is the result.
All activity that consumes, therefore, should be recognized as being both religious and fetishistic. A Satanist whose hobby or fetish is Satanism per se, is no more of a Satanist than one who, realizing the indulgence advocated by Satanism, accepts the Name. The difference between the man or woman who’s apracticing Satanist, from an identity Satanist is that the practicing Satanist looks at the picture, while the identity Satanist studies the frame.
Those who disparage and belittle the Church of Satan to an obsessive degree reveal their fetish. In reality and practice, by their consuming interest, they reveal their true religion to be—the Church of Satan. Otherwise, they would turn on their heel, walk away, and refuse to subject themselves to that which they need not. Clearly, they need us. We don’t need them.
Never underestimate the sexual corollaries to fetishism/religion. It’s too easy (and convenient) to dismiss covert arousal. Just as there have been foot fetishists who work in shoe stores, there are masturbationist writers and artists who have nothing to say and write nothing worth reading. Their output amounts to one stroke or rub per line of type, using their typewriters or computers as sex toys. This can lead to sexual dependency upon the computer. Far-fetched? Things have changed since monks illuminated manuscripts and suffered ecstasies.
Varieties of religious experience can be as interesting as varieties of fetishism. Though there may be many kinds, overall, each disciple has his or her rigid set of preferred and obligatory devotions. Each has personal words of power as a result of distillation. All roads lead to Rome for the serious practitioner. It is Spare’s principle of reduction, Pavlov’s bell. The devout Catholic crosses himself and murmurs “Saints preserve us.” The Pentecostal shouts “Hallelujah!” The Jew says “Mazeltov.” A more potent manifestation is possible, when one considers the true nature of religion. They might instead say: “I need a drink,” “My niece with the fine ass...,” “Is she a disciplinarian?” Every fetishist/religionist has sacred buzzwords: “tickle,” “Cherry ’65 Mustang,” “stinky socks,” and millions more. Sexual fetishes are probably the most epicurean preference of the human animal. The smallest detail is of great significance and there is little margin for error. In fact, there is less room for deviance in deviance, than in any other human endeavor.
If certain words and phrases keep reappearing, it’s because they're never tiresome, always fresh. Uncle Louies favorite musical composition may be the same old tune to others, but to Uncle Louie, it improves with age - which is more than can be said for Uncle Louie. It is his Ave Maria.
Satanism is the only religion which serves to encourage and enhance one’s individual preferences, so long as there is admission of those needs. Thus, one’s personal and indelible religion (the picture) is integrated into a perfect frame. It’s a celebration of individuality without hypocrisy, of solidarity without mindlessness, of objective subjectivity. There need be no deviation from these principles. They should summarily negate internecine strife and bickering. Any attempts at Satanic “reformation” should be seen for what they are: creating problems where none exist. There should be no place in any religion for reformers whose very religion is the fetish of reformation. There is even a place and title for compulsive dissidents, and if they can wear the mantle, they are welcome. They would delude themselves to be revolutionaries. In our camp, they are called “House Masochists.”

Παρασκευή 19 Αυγούστου 2011

Σου εύχομαι να βρεις αυτά που σου χρωστώ
κι όλα αυτά που νοσταλγείς και ας χάνεις το σωστό
Σου εύχομαι να δεις τοπία μαγικά
σε καρδιές που θ΄απορείς πώς αγγίξαν την χαρά
Εύχομαι να τα ποθείς στ΄αστέρια να χαθείς
και ν΄αγγίξεις το βυθό που δεν μπόρεσα να βρω

Μα εγώ πρέπει να φύγω θα φύγω γιατί μου έκανες πολλά
από σένα να ξεφύγω πριν σε μισήσω δυνατά
Μα εγώ πρέπει να φύγω θα φύγω γιατί μου έκανες πολλά
αναμνήσεις πια τυλίγω και σου αφήνω τα καλά

Σου εύχομαι να βρεις αυτά που μου χρωστάς
κι απ΄τον κόσμο αυτό να βγεις το θυμό να ξεγελάς
Σου εύχομαι να ζεις την κάθε σου στιγμή
κι αν μπορείς ν΄αντισταθείς απ΄του χρόνου τη ρωγμή
Εύχομαι να ονειρευτείς τους φόβους σου να δεις
και να σβήσεις το κενό που μας χώριζε στα δυο

Μα εγώ πρέπει να φύγω θα φύγω γιατί μου έκανες πολλά
από σένα να ξεφύγω πριν σε μισήσω δυνατά
Μα εγώ πρέπει να φύγω θα φύγω γιατί μου έκανες πολλά
αναμνήσεις πια τυλίγω και σου αφήνω τα καλά

Πέμπτη 11 Αυγούστου 2011


το ένιωσα αλλά δεν ήθελα να το πιστέψω…φοβόμουν και μέσα μου έκλαιγα, η ψυχή μου έκλαιγε σαν μικρό παιδί. τι είναι όμως ο φόβος;! συναίσθημα της ζωής, συναίσθημα του θανάτου ή συναίσθημα και των δύο. τελικά τι; θα ζήσω τον φόβο για τη ζωή ή για το θάνατο, θα αντέξω ή θα χαθώ;
ακόμα το αισθάνομαι αλλά όχι δεν θα το παραδεχτώ…φοβάμαι, ναι φοβάμαι να το παραδεχτώ! γιατί; δεν ξέρω γιατί, απλά φοβάμαι…και η ψυχή μου κλαίει και ουρλιάζει στο σκοτάδι της. και τα συναισθήματα τι είναι τελικά;
να πάλι το νιώθω…τώρα όμως θέλω να γελάσω και η ψυχή μου να παίξει σαν παιδί, να γελάσω μέχρι να πονέσει το στομάχι μου και μετά θα αρχίσω πάλι να κλαίω, το ξέρω θα αρχίσω πάλι να κλαίω και η ψυχή μου θα βυθιστεί μέσα στη μιζέρια της και η γαλήνη της θα εξαφανιστεί για άλλη μια φορά…
σταματα! δεν θέλω να σκέφτομαι άλλο! δεν θέλω να νιώθω άλλο! δεν μου αρέσει αυτό! σταματα!ποναω!φοβαμαι!
καληνύχτα, θα ζήσω στο πουθενά και θα χαθώ στον αέρα.
αντίο λευκέ μου θάνατε…

Ola ginode gia kapoio logo ? i o diavolakos paizei me thn distixia mas.

Thimamai pou imoun mikrh kai malona me tin aderfh mou polu asxima, ksulo , dagonies, bounies, travigma malion...kai sthn sinexia boliko klama kai vrisidia (oti kserame na leme tote p.x. ilithia itan to xirotero pou legame ala thigomastan poli otan to legame i mia sthn allh). H mitera mou ws sinithws katharize to spiti apo to prwi mexri to vradu...magireue douleve...kai en telh itan 2 se 1 (mama kai babas at the same time) kai mas ekane kai thn psixologo kai mas milouse bas kai mas ta vrei.~

Otan vevaia oi katastaseis ixan ftasei se ena simio opou h mama den borouse na xiristei mas pigene stin mana ths...kamia fora  mas pigene kai tis 2 mazi (giati i giagia ixe ton tropo tis na mas kanei kala) i mia mia (enalax sinithws )kai  koimomastan ekei ta vradia...

Pleon eimai poli apomakri apo kathe sigenh mou...ala an o papous mou zouse kai an h  giagia mou den eixe alzheimer oso megalh kai na eimoun tha pernousa ateliwtes wres mazi tous...

Kathe fora pou pigena sto spiti ths giagias mou htan ola sthn trixa...toso kathara ,eniwthes kalitera apo tin stigmh pou tha patouses to podi sou ekei, giati opws kai na to kanoume pada metraei to perivalon pou vriskese sthn psixologia sou.Sinexos prosfere....mou eftiaxne thn mia " lixoudia " meta thn ali ..xoris na tin niazi oti tha einai gia kabosh wra akoma panw apo ta tigania kai tis katsaroles...ola mou fenodousan toso omorfa se auto to spiti mexri kai o ixos apo to moteraki kathe prwi itan  toso glikos (lulz well itan XD).Auta ta mikra pragmata pou prosfere sinexos ,pou xeskizotan gia na mou ta prosferei itan toso simadika gia emena...Ektos apo emena pou prosexe h giagia san beba pou imoun prosexe mia beba akoma (thn aderfh mou ) kai alon enan bebi (ton papou mou ). O pappous mou itan pada ena kakogerasmeno adraki , pada mes ta neura , pada fonaze sthn giagia, htan gomeniaris panathema ton ...o gohs mh xesw (kala nai den itan kai h trelh mou adinamia opws fenete), e kai gia na mhn polilogo htan ena ritidiasmeno katharmataki pou den elege na kopsei to tsigaro eno itan me to ena podi ston tafo.Akoma kai etsi imoun to mono egoni pou sibathouse (ax ti kanoun ta gonidia ) , opote kathe fora pou ton evlepa na adimetopizei me asximo tropo thn giagia tou fonaza kai vrodousa kai to xeri sto trapezi (autos vevaia gelouse ....ala stamatouse amesws). H giagia htan polu kalos anthrwpos h kai poli malakas malon giati anexotan olo to ivreologio kai olo to katigoritirio xoris logo.Htan thriska , to domatio ths itan gemato ikonismata . GEMATO.... pio pola kai apo auta mias ekklisias kathe proi kai kathe vradi metanies (//DOING)(NAI milame gia polu thriska).polles fores thn koroideuame egw me thn aderfh mou gia auto ,ala ekinh pisteue pos o theos tha itan to mono atomo pou den tha tin prodide pote...kai oti kapia stigmh tha tin apalaxi apo tous psixologikous kai somatikous tis ponous.Gia na anakefaleonw htan mia gineka pou sinexws ginotan xali gia tin mana mou , gia ton apesio adra pou padreutike, gia emena, gia thn aderfh mou , kai mexri kai gia tous gitones , douleve olh mera kai ixe elaxisto diko tis xrono gia na dei apo autes tis sapounoperes pou toso ths aresan.Kamia fora xoris na exei kati...apo ekei pou htan mes 'thn trelh xara otan thn rwtousa " Giagia kala eisai ? "  , ekline ta matia tis ...xefisouse kai elege psithirista" Kala eimai ...kala" gia na mou dixei oti den einai..tote  elega oti paizei theatro...kai nai epaize.Ala twra katalavenw kai ton logo.

Mias kai h giagia prosfere sinexws ithele na niwsei kai auth kapia stigmh oti kapios niazete gia authn kai anazitouse thn prosoxh mas kai thn frodida mas.Oso thn thimame pada ekane teties siberifores .Perasan ta xronia...kai h giagia mou epathe alzheimer , arxise na berdevei diafora proioda magirikis, meta arxise na berdevei ta logia ths miteras mou , meta xehnouse mikra pragmatakia pou eprepe na kanei, pragmata pou  ths legame ta xehnouse mesa se 1 lepto (xirotera apo prin) , kai twra den anagnorizei oute emena oute thn aderfh mou oute thn mana mou ( mesa ths mono niwthei tin mana mou os diko ths proswpo).Katouriete panw ths den borei na perpatisei ,na piei nero monh tis oute na faei , oute na pei an zestenete an nistazei oute tipota,einai apla zodanh nekrh. Einai apla enas nekros anthrwpos pou i kardia tou sinexizei na xtipa.Evlepa olo auto pou travaei kai me epianan ta klamata, giati na ta travaei ola auta?htan toso kalos anthrwpos toso exipiretikos  , kai xerw oti kati tetia tha ta pathenes mono an ekanes kati kako giati ola girnane boumerang.An iparxei theos htan toso thriska, ton agapouse toso polu kai pisteue kiolas oti mono autos thn agapaei alithina, giati thn egatelipse etsi? giati thn afise na sapisei sto krevati ths?

Thn pigame se ena idrima giati   h frodida tis itan poli diskolh ...sto idrima auto htan o papous mou  .Se diaforetiko dwmatio , den ixan sinadithei pote, kai oi 2 xehasmenoi sto panemorfo klima tou idrimatos (giati ontos einai  ena poli  omorfo perivalon thalporis kai iremias gia kathe ilikiomeno)Episkeptomastan sixna kai tous duo tous ... kai oi duo sthn idia tragikh katastash...ta pragmata xiroterepsan otan  o pappous epese apo to banio kai xtipise thn lekanh tou.Xriastike xirourgio.Meta to xirourgio xanaepese...o organismos tou exadlithike meta to 2o xirourgio par'ola auta epestrepse sto idrima , xoris i giagia mou na gnorizei to paramikro(kai na tis to elegan  den tha katalavene tipota ).O pappous mou xaropaleve 2 meres akoma , meta to 2o xirourgio mexrh pou pethane, h mana mou den ton prolave pragma pou tin ponaei akoma kai twra.Otan eftase sto idrima kathotan kai tou milouse akoma kai an ixere pws" kimate".Otan vgike apo to domatio, i nosokomes ths eipan " H mitera sas ekane kati poli ediposiako , pou osa xronia doulevoume edw prwth fora to vlepoume...otan pethane o pateras sas auth evale ta klamata me ligmous xoris na einai brosta na vlepei , kai thn rotisame  ti exei kai mas edixe tin kardia ths legodas - kati edw...kati edw"

Akoma kai gia enan tetio anthrwpo pou tis eixe katastrepsei thn zwh eixe xoro sthn kardia ths...htan  enas aggelos..

Twra pou eimai 18 skeutomai kati pou me kanei poli xaroumenh giati telika gia ola iparxi h thetiki pleura...
Auth ti stigmh h giagia mou einai se ena xoro opou den voithaei....THN VOITHANE
den magirevei THS MAGIREVOUN
den zitaei prosoxh THS THN DINOUN APLOXERA
to atomo pou agapouse kai tin pligone einai nekro ALA AUTH DEN XEREI TIPOTA
eixe poles kakes anamnhseis DEN THIMATE TIPOTA
pigene panw katw gia na exipiretisi to spiti tis kori tis kai to diko tis TWRA DEN PERPATAEI ...tin exoun se ena anapiriko karotsaki kai kanoun aloi ton kopo.
thn ixan ekmetaleutoi oloi tous KAI TWRA einai se ena perivalon me xaroumenes giagioules pada xamogelastes pou tis pianoun tin sizitisi akoma kai an auth den borei na milisei....
malon an iparxei theos ekane auto pou tou zitise....tin apalaxe apo tin distixia ths...twra einai xaroumenh .... den gnwrizei oti exei provlima ...mono emis boroume na to doume...  :) isws na egine to kalitero gia tin giagia...

<3 Apo ta liga atoma pou me xehasan kai agapaw akoma...

ena video gia ilikiomenous pou kathe fora pou to vlepw thimame pos tha eprepe kai egw na ixa ferthei diaforetika

miss take

λάθος όλα. λάθος χώρα, λάθος γειτονιά, λάθος φίλοι, κυρίως λάθος φίλοι και παρέες, λάθος επιλογές, λάθος ώρα, λάθος λόγια, λάθος τύχη, λάθος χειρισμός, λάθος στιγμή, λάθος λάθοι, λάθος έρωτες, λάθος συμπεράσματα, λάθος ερεθίσματα, λάθος πολιτισμός, λάθος ηλικία, λάθος ημερομηνίες, λάθος πόδια, λάθος κώλος, λάθος ύψος, λάθος εγκέφαλος, λάθος προσωπικότητα, λάθος διατροφή, το λάθος του λάθους το λάθος λάθος.

Σάββατο 25 Ιουνίου 2011

Well...eimai edw sto akatastato domatio mou , gemato rouxa sto patoma , cd sto krevati mou , kai skata tou pediou mou stis gwnies (to paidi mou einai gati gia na min parexigoumaste) kai mia psofia katsarida pou katafera na exodosw monh mou parakalw psekazodas teza mexri kai to klimatistiko, kai apla kathomai sto pc kai den exw ti na kanw apla xazevw fotografies enw to mialo mou einai alou...Lene sinithos pws to domatio sou kai i katastash i opia vriskete miazei polu me tin psixikh sou katastash.Afto einai kati pou mou leei i mana mou xronia tora...ala boro na pw pws pada akatastato dwmatio ixa anexartita apo tin psixologia mou...ala twra einai h monh fora pou den tha diafonisw mazi ths opws kanw sinithos.Distixos h oxi pernaw poles wres sto mualo mou.Skeftomai idies katastaseis ksana kai ksana me apotelesma na me berdevw kai na dimiourgw mia katastash sto mualo mou idia me to domatio mou...Mou lipei to mualo pou eixa sthn ilikia twn 15, opou oute gkomenoi me apasxolousan,eixa mono fake friends pou ite me prodidan ite oxi to idio pou mou ekane, zousa apla thn stigmh, ixera oti oli afth i megalh parea pou eixa kapia stigmh tha efevge kai tha emenan 2-3 atoma sto telos opou kai me afta tha kratousa mono tipikes sxeseis, OMWS DEN ME ENIAZE , fake friends i oxi kitousa apla na pernaw kala kai afto ginotan (tous apokalw fake giati  den itan ta atoma pou tha katseis na miliseis gia ta probs sou ,apla xavale , poustia den mou ekanan #DIEFKRINISH) eimastan apla 9-10 malakismena pou kaname kafriles dimiourgousame provlimata , pigename se parkakia kai pezame volley (lol), kai travousame vlemata oloi me to disimo mas giati imastan les kai ixame vgei apo kidia or something.Eimoun afelhs den skeftomoun sinepies (oxi pws einai kalo afto ala tora prosexw toso polu pou stressaromai apo monh mou xoris na einai anagkeo),eimoun kathe mera ekso...mias kai to kedro tou irakleiou kathws kai ta atoma pou kikloforousan tote ta evriska polu endiaferonta..pleon to kedro tou irakliou to variemai kathos kai ta atoma pou kikloforoun pleon ta vriskw panilithia...Den alakse kati...einai ta idia atoma pou pigenoun sta idia meri...mallon egw megalonw...kai oso megalonw...apo thn mia viazome na pathsw ta 18 kai apo thn alli siniditopiw ti omorfa pou itan otan eimoun mikrh pou ola mou fenodousan omorfa kai twra ola mavra kai ripsokindina...exw valei ton eafto mou se mia terastia kapota oste na eimai sigourh oti dn tha pathei tipota...tote zousa pio ripsokindina .Gia na mhn polilogw kai sas zalizw, mhn kanete to lathos to diko mou...mi prostateveste apo kathe ti asimado..afiste ta pragmata na kilisoun mona tous kai min piezete katastaseis,grapste kiolas merika atoma stous orxeis sas , den einai anagkh na plakothite me kanenan , na tous dinete osh prosoxh sas dinoun...kai osh sovarotita borite.Gia na perasei grigora o xronos prepei na ton afiseis kai oxi na ton pieseis...thats all forks.

Πέμπτη 23 Ιουνίου 2011

Gia ena koritsi pou mono tou nomizei oti emine....

Diavaza ena post apo to blog : tales of absinthe


afto edw sigekrimena ^

Exw na pw h aganaktish pou prospathei na ekfrasei i diaxiristria tou blog aftou mou fenete poli ikia...Katastaseis san aftes kai sthn dikh mou zwh distixws simvenoun sinexia...pou se kanoun na skeftesai " tha prepei na exw skotwsa anthrwpo gia na plironw tosa pola twra"

Alla nai afto pou mou eixe pei kai ena polu diko mou atomo isxiei distixws...poloi anthrwpoi tha boun stin zwh sou....poloi apo aftous opws bikan tha vgoun....gia pola atoma isws na dwseis polu perisotera apo oso axize na dwseis...ala afto pou exei simasia einai pws....sto telos tha minoun oi alithinoi filoi...aftoi pou den tha se paratisoun gia mia gkomena...gia ena kenourio style kai ena kainourgio image ! Opote emena me parigorei afto to gegonos...efiges?den eisoun gia emena...kai isws na mhn imoun gia esena...emines? to ektimw xairomai pou eisai dipla mou toso kairo,enw aloi exoun figei esu dixneis alithinos-alithinh.

Sigoura o apoxairetismos apo enan esto pseftiko filo na einai epiponos...sou thimizei ta posa ekanes,ta posa akoma fadazosoun na peraseis mazi tou kai sto telos siniditopieis oti emines me ta onira!Otan exeis mathei na mirazese omos,na agapas, na dineis oti i kardia sou einai ikanh na dwsei, tipota den paei xameno.! Tha vrethei kai ena atomo pou tha xerei na ektima to paramikro pou prosfereis...tha adapodidei , kai tha dixnei tin agaph tou  kathe fora pou tha thn exeis anagh...

Kai xereis glukia mou Anastasia...h agaph fenetai ..den krivete,mathe na min thn berdeveis me ton enthousiasmo pou sou erixe kapio kolopaidi epidi se vrike kalo akroath gia na akous ton pono kathe pikramenou kai na dineis simvoules les kai eisai to " souper katerina" apo esena pire oti hthele na parei ...kai to xereis...afou to phre efige,fisikh roh ton pragmatwn [pleon]...kalos i kakos...ACCEPT DAT!

Otan omws kapios den exei mathei na xehorizei pou iparxei agaph kai otan tou dinete tin petaei les kai den ipirkse pote tote tha diskoleftei poli na tin xanavrei...k an tin xanavrei aftos pithanotata na mhn tin vlepei..kai na psaxnei k na psaxnei gia kati pou tha borouse na kalipsei afto to keno mesa tou!Ta atoma afta tha ta deis na alazoun parees...na malonoun me aftes..na alazoun style kai gomenes..na menoun monoi tous...na xanavriskoun ilithies parees...i anazitish tous pros to "agnwsto" (jk) na mhn soun fanei periergh..ala ikanopiitikh pou vlepeis oti den einai filoi kai gia afto den tha vroun filous! kapia stigmh otan oloi tous ftisoun isws kai na skeftoun mia anastasia pou xali egine na tin xiliopatisoun...

Κυριακή 19 Ιουνίου 2011

Facebook-BigBrother- kai to skaki me ta pionia tou

Pios apo esas tha edine toses xrisimes plirofories g tn eafto t ethelodika? pios tha elege ta pio megala mistika t se enan xeno? by Elvira Lucille on Τετάρτη, 2 Μαρτίου 2011 στις 3:28 μ.μ.
I katastasi exei parei megales proektasis,toso megales pou exo arxisei k panikovalome!! O Orwel g osous gnorizoun eixe milisi gia ton "megalo aderfo" (big brother) opu ena "prosopo" tha boruse na xeri ta pada g emas , na mas paratiri san na ine dipla mas ana pasa ora k stigmi...k to xirotero? na mas elegxi... Eki pou thelo na katalixo ine oti to FACEBOOK pada itan ena fakelwma... <span>K OXI MONO</span> stin astinomia.O stoxos tou facebook k kla itan i epikinonia , ala o kosmos dn exei katalavei pos o VATHITEROS stoxos einai na pathiasei ton xristi ets oste na arxisei na milaei ets opos tha milouse stin pragmatikotita. O xristis athela tou tha arxisi na milaei g to ti kanei ton elefthero tou xrono ( mousiki , podosfero , gimnastirio, tileorasi , chat)tha arxisi na leei p ixe stin proigoumeni tou volta k me pius! apagorefmenes sinithies opos(xorto,narkotika,poto) isos tha pei k gia kamia fasaria pu ine blegmenos aftos k i kali t parea....Pano se "internetikous kavgades" opu akm k ekei ta sinesthimata pnigoun ton xristi ton kanoun na omoligisi akm k ta ikogeniaka tou otan prosfata ena pedi m ipe pano sta nevra tou " Oi gonis m dn asxoloude toso i diki sou pou sta parexoun ola...ego dn ta vrika ola etima " borei na omologisi ikonomiki katastasi,erotiki zwi k gia na to ligo edo ta pada elegxode. Kapou edo mesa ESU exeis grapsei pragmata pou dn ta xeri oute o kaliteros s filos! Akoma k an esi fovithis tora k arxisis na svinis otidipote proklitiko to atomo pou einai piso apo afta borei na ta epanaferi ola mesa se defterelopeta !!! I texnologia k idika to diadiktio tha eprepe na ixan sinonimo sto lexiko : ergalio - oplo. Ola afta ta exeligmena mesa p xrisimopioume arxika MAS IPAN oti ine gia pio efkolo tropo zwis , ala kanonika i texnologia einai oplo strameno sta dika mas kefalia! Exoume katadisi san xrisopsara stin gialia...Kapios mas vlepi apo poli koda k emis dn boroume na kanoume tpt . Mas taizoun? zoume! mas taizoun poli? i kilia mas paei na skasi..Den mas taizoun? pethenoume! Mas dokimazoun...mas katefthinoun! Tin giala tin topothetoun opou theloun AFTOI opou theloun...ston ilio....sto skotadi...sto krio...sto patoma...Mas vazoun stin giala mas stolidia pou thimizoun tin pragmatikotita mas ....Diskolo na mn xehastis. Klinodas tha po oti o Orwell sto vivlio 1984 eixe pi oti tha erthei i mera p tha grafei nomos na valoun tsipaki sto soma tou kathenos mas oste meso aftou tou nomou na xeroun opadipote stigmi pou imaste k ti ousies pernoume( poto narkotika farmaka)

simera to vradi to facebook m tha apenergopiithi..gnorizodas oti tpt ma tpt dn tha alaxi..an theli tha ta epanaferi ...apla tha xero oti dn epivarino tin katastasi m


Nai o kathenas mas krivei kati mesa tou….pou den tha to mathoume an dn ton plisiasoume ton alo…ALA EINAI PRAGMATA POU TA KATALAVENEIS APO TIN PROTI SIZITISH….kai einai arketa gia na vgaleis ta siberasmata sou…opote na exeis ta matia sou anoixta se periptwsh pou sinadiseis kati tetio…

Example 1 :

@se mia parea.(3 k panw paidiwn) opou sizitane gia moda

“SIGANOPOTAMAKI SAYS”: emena den mou paei tipota ;( exo xalia soma….exw paxinei kiolas ligo… :/

(siganopotamakißpsili xanthia kokalo)

[SIBERASMA?:Otan  exoume mia sizitish kai kapoio atomo strefei thn sizitish ston eafto tou …kanodas kaka sxolia g afton…kata thn dikh mou apopsh simenei… 1)I koblex katoterotitas (pou afto einai diko tou provlhma pio poli kai oxi diko s …) I apla perimenei na tou pite poso omorfo einai (pou ego to sixenomai afto)]

Example 2 :

@se mia parea.(3 k panw paidiwn) opou sizitane gia moda

“SIGANOPOTAMAKI SAYS”: Po mias kai milame gia rouxa. ..oloi sto facebook me rotane apo pou pira tin blouza mou I opoia mou kanei VIZARES…me rothse kai mia patsavoura xixi ..ala ths eipa oti tin pira apo to “piggy store” pou dn uparxei tetio magazi…ego to epinoisa gia na psaxnete :$..etsi kai alios siga mhn tis pigenei..

{sigano potamaki ß apla  mia cute kopela)

[SIBERASMA ?: Afto to viosa se afth tin teleftaia periodo ths zwhs mou apo mia kopela pou distixws gnwrisa…..Well ekinh tin stigmh thes na tis peis... « siga min asxolithike olo to fb me tin pio akrivi blouza pou exeis pari stin zwh s..pou kai afti 7 evro ekane…. Kai araxe vre naomi kambel(pos grafete) den pigenei mono se esena afth i blouza…raftike sta metra kathe kopelas me to idio somatotipo me ton diko sou…opote…tha pigenei kai se afthn exisou…asxetos an gia esena einai asxhmh… »ALA META SINIDITOPIEIS OTI…….ti na katseis na asxolitheis more…to koritsi pasxei apo koblex anoterotitas prospathei dld na pisei esena ton eafto tou kai tous giro tou..oti einai gamato atomo oti einai panemorfo oti dinete gamata kai oti exei egiklopedikes gnwseis ^.^ [KARATSEKARISMENO SOU LEW]]

@se mia parea i esu me to « siganopotamaki »

Otan to siganopotamaki arxizei kai sou leei dithen ebisteftika ta lathoi kapiou kinou gnostou…meta kapiou filou ths..meta tis kotsanes pou petaxe aftos pou dn sibathi…ta prosopika tou proin sou…na skeftese oti…

[SIBERASMA : i kopela thavei….ti se kanei na pisteveis oti eisai xehoristh kai den krazei esena? Jesus krazei tous pades krazei kai esena min kaneis ta strava matia….kai min ebistefteis tipota vlepeis …o oros ebistosinh aporiptete katefthian otan sou « pei ebisteftika(tonos sto A) ta probs pou tis exoun ebisteftei aloi »

Aftoi i 3is tipoi koritsiwn me exoun psilozalisei teleftea evelpistw loipon twra pou xerw na min xanapesw sta skata